Our Econik Six has received impressive recognition in the Lowbeats Review! The experts there praise the excellent workmanship and the innovative features that characterize the Econik Six.
The editorial team at areadvd has chosen the best devices of 2023. Our new Econik SIX won in the “Active Speaker Shelf Box” category. We are very happy about this great award!
With, probably the largest German site for reviews of hi-fi products has ordered the Econik SIX for testing. The Econik SIX were awarded in the top class with 5 / 5 stars:
The well-known online magazine HIFISTATEMENT took a close look at our Econik SIX in its test. “Welcome to the future” is Finn Corwin Gallowksy’s conclusion.
fairaudio is also enthusiastic about our newcomers! Tester Michael Bruss was just as impressed by the depth as by the stage image.
The brand new Econik SIX was at areadvd for a detailed test and was awarded as "Overall reference active speaker upper class"! We are super proud of this award and very happy about the assessment of editor Carsten Rampacher.