AV-Magazin is enthusiastic about the AperionAudio Theatrus set!

2024-03-25 09:36:00 / Reviews AperionAudio Theatrus
AV-Magazin is enthusiastic about the AperionAudio Theatrus set! - AV-Magazin is enthusiastic about the AperionAudio Theatrus set!

AV-Magazin tested a complete 5.1 set from AperionAudio's Theatrus series. The experts were consistently impressed by the first-class home theater performance and gave it the "Outstanding" award.

"The Theatrus loudspeakers score with practical features, impeccable workmanship and powerful technology. The Theatrus 5.1 set from Aperion Audio offers uncompromising multi-channel sound at the highest level. The broadband, level-resistant music, movie and TV sound reproduction make the Theatrus 5.1 set the perfect choice for all home cinema fans who want thrilling top-class sound in their home movie palace."

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